Friday, 21 March 2014

India’s Festivals of Spring Colors

Spring always means lots of colors around. These colors are not added by the humans, rather they are naturally added in your surroundings. Flowers and clear scene of all around you keep you happy throughout the spring season. This is why spring is considered as the seasons of festivity Hindus celebrate Holi as their colorful festivals. The reason of this celebration is associated with their Lord Krishna. Colors are added to powder, which is non sticky. It temporarily may color a person or any other thing, but it is easy to wash. Colors are made in such a way to be removable. This event is related to the month of March. This event is celebrated after full moon in Phagun. Holi is celebrated on 15 Phagun. Holi months are February or March, depending on the Indian calendar. However, its date is fixed to 15 Phagun.  Send Holi gifts with flowers in India.
Phagun is a month of the Indian calendar. This is the last month of the calendar. After it, the New Year is celebrated as Ugadi, which comes with the new beginning. Different states of India have its own festivals of each season. Just like Goa has its event of Shigmo. Konkani Hindus celebrate this event as one of the prime events of the year. Holi is one of the parts of entire Shigmo. 

The celebration starts five days prior full moon in the month of Phagun. This is a long festival in which Holi is celebrated quite at the end. Holi comes after full moon. Indian festivals are getting the attention of tourists from all over the world. Especially, Holi is getting popular with the foreigners. They also come from abroad to celebrate this event. The number may still be low, but it will increase with time.

Saturday, 15 March 2014


Rose is the king of flowers. It is found in almost all parts of the world, but Asia is known for its richness in rows. The highest number of types and colors of roses is found in Asia. As soon as spring comes the Asian countries start the spring festivals and they make sure that the gardeners have been notified six months back and all those people who want to take part in the Spring festivals worldwide know how to prepare themselves and their plants accordingly. Roses are the best bloom, but all other flowers also add to the beauty of flowers. When spring festivals worldwide is arranged, all kinds of flowers are seen in the festivals. The parks and gardens bloom in the spring season and bring smiles on the faces of all those who have got tired of staying within their homes for the complete winter season and want to go and enjoy nature and natural beauty now. 

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The taste of the owner of the garden and his desire about the colors and the types of plants that are to be seen everywhere are what a garden holds. There are many people who have been handling the management of flowers for the festivals and they make sure that they arrange for all types of flowers to be present at the spring festival. Here are a few common types of roses;

  • Hybrid Tea Type Roses: One of the most common Hybrid Tea Type roses is the Peace Rose is one of the most highly awarded rose. It is found in beautiful colors of pink, peach and yellow.

  • Grandiflora Type Roses: These kind of roses are the ones that have the largest bloom. They are the best in every way because they look lovely when in full bloom.

  • Floribunda Type Roses: This is a beautiful type of rose that can be easily grown in rainy weather and in the form of bushes.

  • Polyantha Type Roses: These kind of roses is founded all the year round and they are beautiful in their own way.

  • Shrub Rose Bushes: these are the oldest and the most common ones. All those people who have been handling the different things know that this kind of rose is the easiest to grow.

  • Old Antique Roses: These kinds of roses are needed for the betterment of the growing of new types of roses. New kinds are needed for the betterment of fresh colors and types of roses.
  • Thornless Roses: yes, these kinds of roses actually exist. They are not commonly found because the beauty of the rose comes with the thorns on its stem. However, some experts have prepared a Thornless rose too.

Most roses are to be under planted, it has to be seen that they are planted properly to get the best results. Most spring festivals have the best kinds of roses planted for the betterment of the ones who want to come and enjoy the beauty. The festival viewers are also given the opportunity to buy these plants and grown more by planting them in their homes. Read More


Most Spring festivals start by the end of the month of February and carry on till the mid of April. These festivals are lovely in every way. In most parts of the world they usually start with the Kite festival. The kite festival is highly enjoyed by the people as they can go in the parks and be within the lush green nature with eyes in the blue sky to enjoy the spring weather. After the kite festival the flower festivals start which contain the different kinds of competitions and fairs that hold the beauty of flowers and the buying of selling of the exquisite types of flowers. 

The spring festivals also include several kinds of food festivals that include Bar be cues and other such food items that are lovely to enjoy. Most people enjoy having special sugary treats made from the spring season fruits like strawberries and cherries.  The festivals are not only arranged at club and society levels, but also at personal levels. People arrange get to gather for families and friends and handle everything with care and caution for all those people who have been handling the management of different festivals. The festivals are lovely in every way. Shopping festival and fun fairs are also arranged during these weathers. In the same way the different sports festivals of schools and colleges are also arranged during the spring season. Spring festivals world wide are planned and arranged by different people as everyone has the right to enjoy the beauty of the beautiful weather. Visit Us